Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nice AMD Advance today

Alright, my AMD stock holdings advanced a nice 4.5% in the stock market today. However, I am unable to log in my stock trading account because of some restriction. Yet, I think with this increase my stock investment account now stands at about $11,500! Because of my time restraint, I do not think I will be able to trade in and out of any stock positions during the next couple of days. So I may ask my girlfriend to buy or sell stocks for me.

I did see my grandma in the hospital today in Taiwan. She is in pretty bad shape half awake and half asleep all the time. She cannot carry out any conversation rather than say yes or no. Although she does still remember me which I am quite happy.

The plane ride was quite long. 15 hour of flight! I did not sleep much on the plane and I think I am dying right now at 2:00 p.m. Taiwan time.


  1. Damn $11.5k that's a lot cheese. I wonder why AMD stocks rose.

    Hope your grandma gets better.

  2. Nice! 11.5k that is spectacular. Anyway, I'm sorry about your grandma.

  3. AMD ftw, get some sleep man, ull feel better

  4. Woo AMD, i think i saw something to do with a combo of AMD and Dell? Any confirmation?

  5. :/.. sorry to hear that bro. At least you're there with her.

  6. first, all my support and love to your grandma and you.
    also, great blog, it seems that you know what you are doing :) I've always been lost in the stock market haha

  7. Well stock increases can pay for your flight at least... heh. I'm glad you're with your grandmom, and hope that you can rest a bit before you go insane. Long flights, dehydration, layovers... It's a recipe for insanity. I guess AMD just released something in the news that got everyone excited? I like how AMD keeps it real with reasonable prices.

  8. Weirdly volatile... What do you attribute the spike to? AMD hasn't been in the news for anything significant lately, not compared to Intel at least...

    Sorry about your gran, btw. Hope she rallies. Good that she's still there upstairs, that's really the most important thing.

  9. AMD? Interesting...

    & I'm sorry about your grandma, dude...:/

  10. That's a huge increase, you made a decent amount because of it. I hope your grandma is being well looked after by the hospital

  11. Wow that's amazing! I should really get into stocks hopefully you'll have some advice one you get back on track. Glad to hear you made it to Taiwan alright I hope everything is OK over there :(

  12. up $1500 good job! i would be very happy if i was u
